These Skip Counting Games and activities will help you set your child up for math success. Use our free Skip Counting printable to review what your student has learned. Memorizing multiplication facts in third or fourth grade will be so much easier if your child has mastered skip counting from memory before then.
Skip counting is a useful skill for young children and lays a strong mathematical foundation. A child’s ability to count forward and backward by skip counting can be used to solve many math problems from addition to multiplication.
Introducing the Free Skip Counting Printable Pages with Games First
Your child can learn to skip counting through rote memorization well before he or she is ready for the more abstract concept of multiplication. Skip counting is nothing more than a fun game. A challenge.
How fast can you skip a number and tell me every other number? How fast can you skip two numbers and tell me every third? Using these skip counting games and activities will help make the concept of skip counting more concrete. Games make learning fun!
Use the skip counting games first and follow them up with the free skip counting printable pages once your child has had fun playing.
Skip Counting Games Like Hopscotch.
One way to play and learn skip counting is with a simple hopscotch board made from sidewalk chalk. If you are studying counting by 2’s then draw those numbers on the hopscotch board. Have your child shout out the sequence as she jumps across the board.
You may also enjoy Using Candy Hearts to Teach About Numbers.
The Nickel and Dime Store.
Children love role-playing so why not apply it to ways they can learn? To reinforce counting by 5s and 10s, you can set up a little store right in your home. Mark items in quantities of 5s and/or 10s. You can set up a cashier’s desk with play money. Have your child rotate between playing the cashier and the customer. You can extend this activity by adding in items in quantities of 2 cents or 2 dollars.
Make it a very visual activity by using Duplo® LEGO® bricks for currency. As you collect or exchange currency in your pretend store, stack the LEGO bricks in sets of five, ten, or two.
If you love learning with LEGOs, try this LEGO Skip Counting Activity.
Speed Multiplication Game
Speed! Multiplication Game is a fantastic game your child will beg to play daily. Use it as a fun way to warm-up to math. Watch your child learn through play! Speed is a two-player game where each player is trying to get rid of all her cards. The game contains several decks divided among different skip counting number sets. This allows you to focus on one number at a time which builds fluency and teaches multiplication facts fast!
Free Skip Counting Printable
Download and print the free skip counting printable. It includes four pages. The first three pages are skip counting by 2s, 5s, and 10s. The last page is a hundreds chart.
Cut and Paste the Number.
Your student can cut and paste the numbers into the right spot with these simple activity pages.
Color the One Hundreds Chart
Provide your child with a copy of the printable hundreds chart and highlighters or crayons. Print out a chart for each skip counting number set your child is studying. Have your child highlight the numbers in the skip counting sequence. You may want to laminate once completed so your child can use it as a quick reference sheet when needed.
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