Free Printable Bible Verses about Thanksgiving. In a day and age when focusing on thankfulness is not popular, it’s nice to have resources to cultivate thankfulness.
Free Printable Bible Verses about Thanksgiving
Getting kids to stop focusing so much on themselves, while much needed, is incredibly difficult in this device-driven, instant gratification world we live in. I don’t know about your kids, but my kids start getting fussy if Amazon Prime can’t deliver in two days – even if the reason is a hurricane!
Instead of being grateful for the incredible blessings of living in the United States, kids take for granted their privilege. They struggle to understand why they should be grateful for each breath and meal. Most kids have things these days that many could only dream of in the past.
We are working on it. We’re trying to cultivate gratitude. So, that’s why I wanted a thankfulness activity kids will love. Also, it’s why I searched for Bible verses about Thanksgiving to share with my family and yours. You can download this free printable checklist of the Bible verses at the end of this post.
I know a large part of this is simply a normal part of being a child, but as parents we still endeavor to always set an example in this area, encouraging our kids to say “thank you” when given the gift of time, attention, or material blessings, whether from humans or from God. Parents living a life of thankfulness will give our own children an example to follow as they grow and mature.
On Being Thankful
Taking the time to be mindful of God’s Word, to be intentional in our thankfulness, and to share that together as a family – it’s a powerful example for our children. People are happier when they learn to be thankful and grateful for what they have and for those around them. Cultivating this kind of mindset, an attitude of gratitude, enables them to be satisfied and happy in a multitude of situations.
Can you imagine what things could be like if the whole world learned early on in life to be grateful people? Wow! It would change the world! Well, we might not be able to change the whole world in this way, but we surely do have the ability to impact our families by teaching them how to cultivate a thankful heart and mind.
One way we can focus on Thankfulness as a family is to read together verses from the Bible on the topic of thanksgiving. I have created a checklist of verses about thankfulness you can use daily in your home, leading up to Thanksgiving Day.
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You can hang this list on the fridge with cute magnets. Additionally, you might keep it on a clipboard near your dinner table. Read one verse each day. Try reading at breakfast time, at dinner, before bed, or whenever you’re able to gather for a few minutes. You might even read together at mealtime, or perhaps even work on memorizing verses throughout the day or the week.
Personally, we’ve used bible verses like these to improve handwriting for our homeschool. Also, we set up a reward system to encourage the kids to learn their bible verses. God’s Word does not return void. When your family needs it the most, they will recall verses they’ve learned.
Finally, taking the time to read the Word together creates bonds, it sets an example, develops lifelong habits, and helps develop that attitude of gratitude so needed in this world today!
–> Click here to get your free Thanksgiving verses checklist<–
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Additional resources that can help you cultivate an attitude of gratitude:
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